Welcome to the Mozie World: Who is Ugo Mozie?

Photography-Filbert Kung (@filbert_kung)

Styling- Oli Sara (@iamolisara)

Grooming- Elmer Catungal

Born to be a storyteller, Ugo is now shifting his focus to filmmaking.  With his debut feature film currently in development, he is excited to share a coming-of-age story unlike anything Hollywood has ever seen before. With this film, Ugo is sharing the beauty of Black American and African culture through his own eyes.

Join us here at NOW Magazine as we get to know more about the legend himself: Ugo Mozie.

Q&A- Tell me about yourself.

I was born in a small town outside Enugu, Nigeria. My humble beginnings did not limit my ability to dream massively and see the greatness in myself from a young age. I moved to America when I was 4 and that’s where my life mission officially started. Having to transition into a new culture and find myself and my voice In a New society was the challenge I had to embark.

What are your proudest accomplishments in your career so far?

One of my proudest accomplishments in my career was becoming the US Pr Director for the Iconic Fashion Brand, Vivienne Westwood at the age of 23. I handled the US PR, Marketing, Celebrity Relations, and Social Media Strategy together with the team I hand picked and assembled myself.

How would you describe your style? Why are you drawn to this aesthetic?

I would describe my style as Elevated Culture. My style is a combination of all the places I’ve been to, studied, and the people I’ve met along my journey. My favorite part about traveling is getting to experience the style and fashion of different regions around the world.

Do you have any styling/fashion tips that you can share with us?

My biggest style tip is, dress for yourself. Let your look and vibe be a reflection of you and how you feel. The most stylish people in the world are those that are comfortable with them selves and understand themselves well enough to express it with clothing. This brings true confidence.

What made you want to transition your career into film?

Filmmaking has always been my ultimate goal and dream. My first job in fashion was as a photographer. I’ve always been fascinated with curating snd capturing moments to tell stories. Film to me is my highest level of art expression because it allows me to use all my knowledge, expertise, network, and talent in one major project.

Can you tell us more about the debut feature you are producing? What will it be about? When can we expect to see it?

My Debut Feature film is currently in development. The most exciting and time consuming project I’ve ever had in my entire life. It is a coming of age story about a boy from Inglewood, California that discovers on his 18th birthday that the father he never knew he had is the governor of one of the most powerful cities in Africa. This film has taught me patience, trust, and how to communicate more effectively.

What inspired the story that you are telling in your debut feature? Why do you think people will be interested in it?

The story is inspired by The Black American and African Culture. There’s never been a Hollywood a feature film that depicts Nigeria or even Africa in the way I see it everytime im there.

What are some ways in which you use your platform to help others? Why are these causes important to you? How can other people get involved?

As an immigrant of the US that moved early in my childhood, I had to lean on the older Generation and my elders to guide me and make sure I’m on the right path. I feel like it’s now my duty to do the same. Nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than giving back and empowering others. I have a nonprofit called WANA (We Are New Africa) that is dedicated to providing kids with tools to educate and empower them toward reaching their dreams. You can follow us on Instagram and visit our website for updates, activations, and to contact.

What makes you unique as a person?

I believe my ability to meet people and know what their dream look or style is makes me unique. That’s my talent.

What makes you unique in your career?

My emotional intelligence and personal style makes me unique in my career.

How have these traits helped you get to where you are now?

My traits and self awareness have give. Me the confidence to build a string career.

What are you doing when you’re not working?

When I’m not working I’m usually home in Nigeria or with my family.

When are you at your happiest?

I’m happiest When I’m in nature. I love camping, going to the desert, hikes, jungle. Anything that allows me to embrace Gods creations.


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