Tasha Franken


Photography - Sarah Krick I @sarahkrickphotography

Makeup - Paul Blanch I @paulyblanch

Hair -Preston Wada I  @prestonwada

Styling - Monty Jackson I @mrmontyjackson

As someone who has lived all over the world, including in London, Dubai, the US, and Spain, what is the most important thing you have learned about different cultures? What are some of your favorite places to travel to and what are some places that are currently on your bucket list?

I think the most important thing I’ve learned about different cultures is how unique and specific they each are – from the people, to the food and music - they are all so special. I have always tried to adapt to where I live by trying the local food, exploring different places, and experiencing things I wouldn’t typically get to do. I always try to learn basic sentences in each language as well. My favorite cities to live in have been New York and Paris. Currently on my bucket list is Santorini and the Maldives.

As a successful model who has appeared on the cover of Glamour Magazine and Vogue and has walked in fashion shows for major brands like Tom Ford, La Perla, and Vivienne Westwood, what are some of your favorite parts of your job? What are you the most proud of? What are some of your most exciting career goals for the upcoming year?

For me the best part about modeling has always been the experiences I’ve gained while traveling and meeting new people. I think my very first editorial, fashion show, and campaign was the most exciting but I still try to treat every job like it’s my first. As for career goals, I try to stay grounded and grateful for where I currently am, while always striving to do more for my audience and community. I have some exciting new additions and expansions that are coming to T – F Studio so keep an eye out! 

Can you walk us through your experience as someone who has faced a lot of hurtful and offensive comments as a Spanish model? Are there any particular experiences that you would like to tell us about? How do you make sure to stay empowered and compassionate toward yourself throughout the process?

To clarify, though I was born and raised in Spain, I’m half Norwegian half Dutch. As a model you’re judged on your appearance the moment you enter a room, so it can be really hard not to let it get to you. There have been times I’ve gotten myself ready for an important casting for a client I’ve looked forward to meeting, traveled over an hour, sat in line for hours only to then walk into the casting and have someone look at me for a second and say “thank you next”. Those moments are crushing and exhausting but the most important thing to remember is that you can’t take it personally. Everyone is different and brings their own expertise and value to each situation. As one door closes another one opens. 

If you are open to speaking out about it, can you tell us about your recovery journey through eating disorders and body dysmorphia? Do you have any words of wisdom for other women who are facing similar mental health issues?

Recovering from an eating disorder is not an overnight fix. It took me years of hard work and determination to completely overcome it. That being said, there were a lot of ups and downs. What helped me heal was a consistent reminder of the yearning to feel mental freedom again and to be patient and kind to myself as well as surrounding myself by people who cared and that I knew I could ask for help from. The problem with a long-term eating disorder isn’t just the present concerns like losing your period, but the long-term effects that come with it. It can affect your fertility, metabolism, hormones, gut, bone health, etc. I focused on my “why”. WHY I wanted to overcome the eating disorder and prioritized things that made me feel good. I studied nutrition to understand food and it’s benefits, which gave me a better understanding of how food can be nourishing and how to implement it as a healing tool. If there is someone struggling with a similar issue I always say that you really CAN overcome it and come out the other side stronger and more compassionate towards yourself.

I heard you recently launched your new platform/app to promote health and wellness through Pilates. Congratulations! What inspired you to create this app? Can you tell us more about the exciting features we can expect to see on it? 

Thank you! T – F Studio is an online Fitness platform that I created at the beginning of the pandemic after receiving my Pilates certification. I couldn’t find any online workouts that felt like they clicked for me, so I decided to create my own! The workouts are designed for everyone, anywhere, and anytime using minimal space, time and equipment – and at an affordable price. There’s multiple new on demand workouts as well as live classes every week and my videos are categorized by duration, body part and equipment so there’s something to suit everyone. Every day is different and every body is different. I also share a weekly schedule, meditations, and specific plans/programs.

How are you using your platform to create diverse and inclusive spaces for your subscribers as well as to change the toxic beauty standards of the modeling and beauty industries?

I developed T – F Studio after trying every method, fitness class, and trainer around the world in the hope to stay in shape. I found that I really struggled to find something that actually made me feel good. There’s an overwhelming amount of misinformation when it comes to fitness, especially for women. So, I really wanted to create a style of movement that feels good, strengthens both mind and body to create mental and physical results and without any sort of negative pressure or stress. A safe and comfortable space to move and feel your best


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