Silvia Pintea: Massage Therapy is Self-Care


Photographer: Alisdja Nadezhda

1.    Can you describe your training and certification in massage therapy?

I’ve graduated the first massage school in Moldova back in 2014. I’ve been studying and practicing  European style. After which I moved to the US in 2016. I did graduate my second massage school in Illinois in 2018 . (Estelle Medical Academy)  

2.    What types of massage techniques are you proficient in, and which do you specialize in?

I’ve been studying and performing:

  • Cupping 

  • Hot stone 

  • Prenatal massage 

  • Honey massage 

  • Relaxing massage 

  • Sports Massage 

  • Deep Tissue 

  • Swedish Massage 

  • Lymphatic drainage massage 

3.    How do you customize massage sessions to meet the specific needs and preferences of your clients?

Massage is a very intimate activity and touching a person’s body can be quite awkward and uncomfortable. So I always Introduce myself first to my  client and engage some short chatty conversation to make both of us at ease. It is also abolish the strangeness feeling during the whole session.Since I am also a life and health coach, I make sure to apply those skills and provide them a consultation before the massage and listen to their needs.Relaxing their mind before the actual massage, it’s very helpful and powerful.Massage can be soothing and more relaxing with a music turned up to keep a consistent atmosphere. But this might not be favorable for some of the clients . Before going through the session, I make sure to ask if he/she prefers a music or silence during the massage.

I always make sure to start with a light pressure and make them feel comfortable and little by little I increase it. Once in a while I double check during the massage if they need anything or want to make any adjustments. I also use different pressure on different parts of the body. Very often happens that they would prefer more pressure on upper back since it’s more tight and less pressure for the rest. I definitely make sure to ask about their expectations so I can customize the whole session. Being on the same page with a client to me is the most important.

4.    How do you assess a client’s medical history and any existing conditions before providing a massage?

Before performing the actual massage, I ask for any medical conditions and irritation that might trigger and worsen during the activity. Like asking if the  client has allergies in any type of massage oils, any surgeries, injuries, about the blood pressure and others. As more I know, as better I can meet clients expectations. 

The client might know what type of massage wants to experience, but something might happen beyond the expectations.  I consider significant to explain the little details about the massage session I am about to embark. Made some clarifications and confirmation on what they should expect and listen attentively about their concerns.

 5. What safety and hygiene protocols do you follow in your practice?

Always wearing a clean uniform and pack backup clothing and avoid wearing jewelry or perfume. All linens and towels are washed and tools are sanitized. Washing my hands before and after each session. 

As a mobile massage therapist, I need to make thoughtful decisions about which clients I will accept, for my own safety.I am asking potential clients few specific questions so I can deter or stop sexual predators and watch for red flags and keep myself away from entering a dangerous situation.

6.    Can you share an example of a challenging client situation you’ve encountered and how you handled it?

I am very passionate of psychology and neuroscience, always reading a lot about what people are going trough and what to expect from them in the future . It’s easy for me to understand their behavior and keep the right distance to avoid challenging situations . 

Thank God, I never had any unusual situations.

7.    How do you stay updated on the latest developments and trends in the field of massage therapy?

I am very passionated about what people are going trough and my ability to help them the right way and on the right time. I always keep my self busy on studying and taking different classes to keep myself growing. Also I get a lot of massages for myself, which are helping me to be in the clients skin and understand what feels good and what is better to avoid. 

8.    What do you believe are the key qualities that make a great massage therapist?

Communication is the key!

I believe that asking the right questions and listen till the end is very important. At the end of the day, we all want to be listened and heard . Relaxing the clients mind first it’s 50% of the success.

9.    Can you explain the importance of client confidentiality and how you maintain it?

Confidentiality is one of the most important things I am offering since the majority of my clients are public figures.I understand everyone needs someone neutral who’s able to listen, understand, and keep things private. I’ve set up my professional boundaries and always make sure to let my clients know that I want to keep it professional and never share their stories to anyone else around.

10.   How do you manage your own self-care to prevent burnout in a physically demanding profession like massage therapy?

For my own health I try to sleep from 6 to 8 hours and first thing in the morning I start my day with stretching . I get massages for my self every week, or at least twice a month. Drinking a lot of water makes me feel very good during the day and eating more fruits,vegetables and proteins keeps my energy level stable. Once in a while I like to go to the sauna which helps my muscles relax.  Going to the gym is a little challenging since many times I run out of energy, but I am trying to workout at least once a week. Work in progress. 


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