Ambra Gutierrez on Modeling and Inspiring Women

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself

I’m an Italian model with Filipino roots from my mother’s side and south Italian mix from my father’s side with a deep appreciation for both fashion and culinary arts. Growing up and 1 away from Milan, in Turin, also known as a little Paris of Italy, I developed a love for creating beautiful dishes alongside my fascination with style and traveling.

2. Your childhood

My childhood was a blend of culinary adventures and artistic exploration. I remember spending hours in the kitchen with my aunt, learning the secrets of traditional Italian recipes, which later influenced my appreciation for aesthetics in all forms.

3. What do you do in your spare time?

In my free moments, I'm often found experimenting with painting, make up and techniques in the kitchen. Cooking provides a creative outlet for me, much like modeling. I also enjoy exploring local markets and trying unique ingredients.

4. How did you get interested in modeling and how did you start?

Modeling intrigued me, but it happened not by chance, one day while at my hair dresser salon in my neighborhood I was scouted by a woman that organized a modeling competition that I joined and I started modeling while studying as a land surveyor since at the time I thought I wanted to be an architect.

5. What do you love about modeling?

Modeling allows me to express myself and create through fashion, it’s a form of art and I need to always create to keep myself feel good. I love the cure for details, composition, and storytelling, which I find incredibly fulfilling.

6. What does your day-to-day look like?

A typical day for me involves a mix of castings, photoshoots, and meetings. I also make sure to set aside time for little explorations in nature ,whether it's walking in parks, food markets, or little hikes out of town.

7. What projects are you currently working on?

I'm working on a personal project that combines my love for fashion and cooking, with the aim of promoting sustainable and healthy eating habits. 

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What would you like to have accomplished?

In five years, I envision myself as a prominent advocate for women’s and fashion rights. I hope to have launched basic respect rules in the industry where everyone feels safe and respected as anyone should. 

9. Tell us some fun facts about you that many people don't know

I like to try new things all the time, even if it’s  rock climbing with my nails just done and so I have to do it again 😂

10. How would you like to grow your brand/following in the coming years?

I aim to share more of my culinary journey on social media, showcasing not only my modeling endeavors but also the art of sustainable and wholesome cooking. I believe that a balanced approach to beauty encompasses both fashion and nourishment.

11. What lessons have you learned that you wish you knew when you were younger or when you were starting your modeling career?

It's essential to embrace authenticity and staying true to your passions will resonate far more than trying to fit into a predefined mold.

12. How did you get started in activism?

My activism journey began with a deep concern for the safety in the fashion industry. This concern naturally extended to the rights for women from experiences I encountered in my life. 

13. What is your mission with the activism that you do?

My mission is to inspire and show that both fashion and transparency can coexist harmoniously, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future of this beautiful industry.


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