Meet the Man of the Moment: Jermaine Crawford
Q&A- How would you describe yourself in three words and why?
I would describe myself as fearless, resilient and compassionate. I believe these are all the elements of self that have led me this far. You gotta have tough skin in this industry, can’t be afraid to take risks. And when things sometimes don’t go as expected you gotta get right back up and try again.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? How did you know which career path you ultimately wanted to follow?
Even as a child I always knew I was supposed to be an entertainer. I was one of those super dramatic children singing, dancing and acting out scenes at every opportunity. Music, film has always spoken to me. I can’t quite explain it, but it almost feels as if the arts chose me.
What is your new HBO Max show about? When can we expect to see it?
Unfriendly Black Hotties is about Gen Z’s weaponization of political correctness told through the eyes of four high school girls. It is a hilarious roller coaster that I can’t wait for everyone to see someday soon. We’ve been working extremely hard on this, so.. stay tuned :)
What inspired your new show?
Put simply, life. I’m not quite Gen Z but I’m close enough, and it’s just so interesting to me. I always want my art to imitate life and vice versa. Whether it’s from a personal experience or an article I’ve read in the paper I want my stories to be as relatable and visceral as possible.
Jermaine Crawford pictured with Ugo Mozie (@ugomozie) (left)
Jermaine Crawford pictured with Ugo Mozie (@ugomozie) (left)
How do you define success?
Great question. I think success is when you’ve learned to master being present and content with whatever life has given you. It’s great to always work towards more but true success is being happy with what you’ve got. In my opinion.
How has your background as an actor helped you transition into your new ventures as a writer?
Tremendously. It taught me the importance of character work and really building a character. Creating a person that comes off the page, so to speak. So much of storytelling revolves around the beginning, middle and end of a character - their arcs. If they start one way they’ve got to end another way. We know what they want and or need, but do they get it by the end- if not why? These are all tricks I learned from acting and taking classes my whole life. I’m grateful for my career as a writer and actor. I never get bored lol.
What messages do you hope to share with the world through your creative endeavors?
With my production company Mainestream Media we take the everyday experiences of people of color and basically make it mainstream. I’m drawn to stories of triumph, or change and growth. BIPOC are so multi-faceted and our experiences are so nuanced and oftentimes groundbreaking. So many stories untold. I just want people of color to see themselves in the theaters and on television and be inspired.
What advice do you have for people who are looking to follow a similar career path as you?
I would say make sure you’re in it for the right reasons. Nowadays everything is about following or numbers, which are both important. But it takes some people years to get their foot in the door. Not to mention putting in the time to actually be great at whatever you’re committing to. No shortcuts, go through the process regardless of how dark and morbid it may appear. There’s sweet moments along the way, just keep your eye on the prize. Don’t do this Entertainment thing expecting a huge, instant check. It just doesn’t work that way. And if you do find yourself in that situation, beware. The best way to get to where you wanna go is slowly.
If you could go back in time, what would you say to your younger self?
I know you’re broke, and struggling but someday, you’re gonna sell a tv show to HBO max, kid. Now get off your ass and start writing lol.