Kenz Lawren: Leading Change in the Fashion Industry

Model: Kenz Lawren | @kenzlawren

Photographer: Jonti Wild | @jontiwild

Hair/Makeup: Yaniv Katzav | @yanivkatzav

Wardrobe: Ronen Farache | @ronenfarache

Model Kenz Lawren talks about her YouTube series “New Face,” her Anastasia Beverly Hills billboards, her favorite beauty/skincare products, and her passion for creating a more inclusive and positive modeling industry.

Make sure you check out the digital and print edition of Kenz Lawren’s Cover here!

1. How did you come up with the idea with your upcoming YouTube series of turning your followers into models? 

Almost all of my 1.3 million followers are aspiring models and I know from first hand experience how competitive it is to break into this industry. You need to be willing to move to a big city that has a large market for modeling, then get signed, and even if you sign with the biggest, best agency, you’re still not guaranteed anything. My biggest takeaway from my 8 years of experience is you need to not only know how to model, but how to stand out. You need to understand what your brand is and where it fits into the modern market. Modeling is a creative experience AND a business. That’s something you can only understand from experience. And that’s what I want to teach young women: how to discover their most authentic, powerful self and express that through fashion and beauty... then translate all of that through a single photo. This is series is more than giving away a free photoshoot, this series is about discovering the next “New Face”.

2. You posted the experience with your follower Alisa; can you please tell us about this experience? What was it like to spend so much quality time with a fan? 

I posted on TikTok that I was hosting a photoshoot giveaway for my followers. To submit, you have to DM me your digitals on Instagram and be willing to fly out to LA. I got THOUSANDS of submissions from girls all over the world but one DM in particular stuck out to me-- it was from a mom. She told me how passionate her daughter Alyssa was about modeling, but was struggling with her confidence and wouldn’t submit herself. Alyssa’s mom expressed such incredible support and belief in her daughter’s dreams and it reminded me so much of when my mom was there for me when I needed an extra push to keep persevering my dreams, and unfortunately, in today’s society, it’s almost impossible to get support from your family to pursue any dream that’s outside of the norm. 

I felt the NEED to acknowledge that and give her this opportunity. This was bigger than just a photoshoot... this was a dream come true for her, and I wanted to be a part of that. The day of the shoot was so highly anticipated-- Alyssa and I literally full on track-star sprinted towards each other for the most endearing, heart warming hug-- the feeling was indescribable. That moment alone, I will remember for a lifetime. From start to finish of the shoot, I watched this young woman grow in confidence and THAT was such a rewarding feeling. I’ve been wanting so desperately to change the narrative we have about fashion and beauty and I felt like that day, we finally did. There is no denying that there’s plenty of toxic, superficial aspects of this industry-- but this day alone was PROOF that it can be so much more than that.

3. Can you tell us about your partnership with Anastasia Beverly Hills, with your upcoming billboard? 

Modeling for Anastasia Beverly Hills is hands down one of my most proud bookings. I’ve been their face for multiple campaigns including their sister brand, Norvina Cosmetics, and it’s always been such a thrilling experience. I’m humbled to have worked with some of the top artists in the industry while representing ABH. I recently received news that I’ll be on 8 billboards throughout China as the face of ABH. It doesn’t even feel real! I’ve worked relentlessly as a model for years and finally, FINALLY, my dreams are really coming true. Somebody pinch me!!

4. What was your biggest internal fear that you had to conquer in order to be confident in front of the camera, to post on TikTok throughout the pandemic? 

Oh. My. Goodness. After modeling for so long you get so used to seeing yourself in full glam and fully retouched. It becomes the “norm”. So imagine what it’s like to go from that-- KNOWING that this is how the world perceives you and expects you to look like 100% of the time, just to say fuck it! As much as I WISHED I looked like this all the time, I just don’t. But that’s okay. In fact it’s more than okay! I’m beautiful without all that! It’s just a different version of me! And I want all women to realize that. But it has to start with the ones who society deems as setting the beauty standards. The models. And what I’m NOT gonna do, is put another model on blast to do it, they can do it if and when they feel comfortable to. If you want change, sometimes that means you’re going to have to lead the way. So I did.

5. A lot of the content you post is uncovering tips and industry secrets that the modeling industry typically tries to cover. You are showing so many young women what really happens behind the scenes, bringing so much value and exposure to the industry that hasn’t really reached the public until now. In the beginning, what was it like for you to film this type of content, without knowing how people were going to react to it? 

Honestly, I was terrified. We hear all the time how critical people on social media can be and at this point in my life I absolutely didn’t feel confident-- contrary to most people’s perception of me. Plus I was running the risk of losing interest in brands. What if they didn’t like the way I looked? I’d lose work over it! But I did it because 1. I knew it was necessary and 2. because I’m already my worst critic. There’s quite literally nothing anyone can say about my appearance that can hurt me anymore because I’ve already heard it all-- whether it came from the modeling industry, the public or even myself. What’s most important to me, is sharing this message with the people who will appreciate it and feel empowered by it... and if a person online or a brand doesn’t like it, well... too bad. 

6. What was one of the most impactful moments in your modeling career, and how did it shape you to who you are today?

The worst experiences showed me the need for change and the best experiences showed me confirmation. For example: countless of times I’ve had negative comments about my skin and my body in this industry. I improved my skin and body to the best of my ability and when the industry told me it wasn’t enough, I decided boundaries needed to be set. I’m open to criticism until it pushes to the point of being unhealthy and from there, I knew it was the industry that needed changing, not me... and that’s what I preach on social media now. I do this by not only talking about it, but showing it. On camera. That was the moment I went viral. And I can’t show you a single comment on that TikTok post that was negative. That was the best experience... and it gave me confirmation I was doing something right.

7. Your comments section on social media is always praising you so highly, crediting you on your highly intricate teaching technique! Do you have any precious experience with teaching, or are all the skills and the way you present inform your followers just a natural gift? 

I’m still learning how to be the best coach I can be-- but based on what I’ve taught so far, it’s all based on my own experience. I try to reflect back to when I first started modeling so I can explain my techniques in a way that’s palatable for a beginner. 

8. Outside of your Tik Toks and your career, what are some of your favorite hobbies and pastimes? 

My life completely revolves around my work-- but balance is absolutely important so I make time to check in with family back home and spend time with friends. Aside from that, I occasionally sketch fashion, listen to podcasts, spend extra time on my skin care routine or spend an absurd amount of time doing my makeup for no real reason other than... well, it’s fun!

9. In your opinion, what has been the most empowering and rewarding experience that you have gained since posting through your social media presence? 

Seeing women supporting other than women. Growing up, that was SUCH A STRUGGLE and it drove me crazy! I never understood it! So to finally see women empowering one another in my comment section brings me tremendous joy.

10. What are some of your top day-to-day beauty essentials that you use to keep you ready for all your modeling opportunities? 

Your skincare routine IS KEY. I dermaplane, cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize and always use sunscreen. For makeup, I use a combination of liquid highlighter, a little foundation and Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupté Shine lipstick for blush and lips. For brows, I use Anastasia Beverly Hills brow freeze or Got2b hairspray! I also NEED to curl my lashes because my lashes are stubborn and grow straight down-- I use Kevyn Aucoin. Lastly, a spritz of perfume-- either Yves Saint Laurent Libre, Jean Paul Gaultier La Belle, or Giorgio Armani My Way. It depends on my alter ego that day.


Chelsea Green: Founder of Kiwi Film House


Netta Walker