Getting to Know Cassie Randolph

Photographer - August Reinhardt  (@helloimaugust)

Makeup - Rachael Owens (@rachael0wens)

How has your role in the Bachelor changed your life after filming? What were you up to before The Bachelor? How are you using your new platform?

The show definitely has a way of altering people’s path. When I was very first told I was going to be on the show in 2018, I had just started graduate school for Speech Pathology. I was so lucky that my professors worked with me in rearranging my classes to accommodate, so I was able to go! I ended up taking extra classes during certain semesters in order to graduate in time. Post show, I’m still working in Speech Pathology, got my graduate degree, and am now focusing on the beginning phases of starting my own private practice in Speech. I really tried to make it a point to continue on my speech path through all the other changes going on post-show. 

The platform that I was given is probably the biggest change that came from the show. It’s quite an adjustment to navigate going from barely using social media, to it being such a big part of your life over the course of just a couple months. The quick trajectory felt so overwhelming at first with things changing on the daily. All of the sudden so many people knew who you were and personal things about your life, there was a lot of criticism to deal with, tons of new opportunities, new decisions to face… 

I saw that you have your own sustainable denim line with your sister Michelle called Landon Denim. Can you tell us more about what inspired this line? What makes this line unique from other denim collections? How do you make sure that it is sustainable?

Yes! About 3 and a half years ago Michelle and I started designing and creating our sustainable denim brand, LNDN. Pretty early on we decided on the name LNDN after our brother, Landon. It felt special and unique! We went through sample rounds on sample rounds…collectively probably around order to make the pieces absolutely perfect. We wanted them to be high quality, timeless, and yet have a fun, uniqueness about them. It’s a mix of those staple denim pieces that every wardrobe needs, with a pinch of trend. 

Denim as a material is very challenging to make sustainable and also affordable, which is also what took us so long to develop this brand. Finding factories and locations to make our denim as sustainable as possible was very important for us. If it is possible to create a sustainable brand as long as you put hard work into it, then why shouldn’t we? We want LNDN to be a reflection of what we personally stand for and want to put out in the world. We are always looking for more ways to be even more sustainable as a brand, and made it a point to have sustainability at the forefront of our brand ethics and ideals. 

Cannot wait to share with everyone the new designs and pieces that we have coming in 2023!

What does sustainability mean to you? Aside from your denim line, how else do you practice sustainable living? 

It’s obviously hard to live a life that is 100% free from . What is important to me, is always finding ways to contribute to the environment, and being aware of how we are impacting the world around us. I think what is so important in life, is finding a balance between enjoying yourself, yet always consciously working to be better and improve in ways that you can. What’s great, is there are so many resources and developments now days that make it possible to make small sustainable choices in your daily life.

I saw that you are currently working as a speech pathologist. Can you tell me a bit more about how you help people in this role? What does your day-to-day look like? Do you have any stories/examples that you can share with us of people you’ve helped?

Yes I am! I am currently working on getting licensed in order to work independently, without supervision, which would enable me to begin my own private practice. A couple days a week, I work virtually at a clinic, giving evaluations and writing reports, treating clients, attending IEP’s or meetings, etc. There is a really big variety in the types of clients that I see, from young kids with autism, adults working on vocal hygiene, transgender clients going through transitions, people who have gone through cognitive trauma, and so many others. I love this field and get so excited to talk about it, because there is so much that you can do with it. I also love that each day and client can be so unique depending on where you choose to work. 

While going through grad school and beyond, I sometimes would doubt if I was doing the right thing by continuing in speech therapy- not that I ever wanted to completely stop, but with all of the opportunities from being on The Bachelor, I was often considering putting my speech career on pause. I often wondered if I was unnecessarily overwhelming myself or missing out on certain opportunities and experiences (which looking back, I probably did). It’s been a long road of schooling, jobs, and internships getting to the point where I am with my career, but I am so happy I stuck with it.

What inspired you to become a speech pathologist? What is something you wish more people knew about this field?

Growing up I was really into sign language. I had a huge book of signs that I would always use and learn, and then when I was in highschool I took 3 years of it. When looking for a college major, my mom suggested that I look into Speech Pathology, as it was always something she had wished she looked into more as a degree. Once I started classes, I fell in love and here I am 10 years later! Funny thing is, my mom and also my aunt ended up going back to school together, getting their post-baccs in speech therapy. So now we all 3 can work together. 

What part(s) of your current life are most important to you? What makes you happy?

Something that I’m really into (aside from Speech Pathology and LNDN Denim) has been remodeling and designing my home. I have done so many projects (DIY included), and keep finding more and more things to do- it’s definitely an obsession of mine! 

What can we expect more from you in the future? Do you have any projects or passions that you are currently working on or hope to start? Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions for 2023?

Definitely more home projects, more LNDN designs, and a Speech Pathology practice are currently on my mind. I can’t wait to dive deeper into those things in 2023. I think my New Years Resolution will be to keep trying to find balance in my life, focus even more on mental and physical health, enjoy more quality time with family and friends, and really go in on LNDN and my Speech Pathology work.


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