Gabby Morrison

Photography: Neil Akinyemi and Mr. D Adams

With so much acting experience, you’re definitely no stranger to the spotlight! What is your favorite part about acting or about the roles you’ve gotten to play?  What inspired you to start acting? What would be your dream acting project?

My favorite part of acting is really the art of it. Putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and thinking like someone who has different life experiences. It’s so interesting to think about how someone’s past or overall personality can affect their movements and responses to things. I’ve always tried my best to understand as many people’s points of views as possible but actually making decisions as someone else is really fascinating to me. So being Kit, a very socially awkward person externally I really related to her in a sense but as I got to know her, I started to think like her and I loved that!

My dream acting project would be a role where I can dance. I can put my passions together and have dancing scenes where I show the struggles of dance similar to “Tiny Pretty Things”. I would also love for this role to have a romantic interest. I really want to be in love in a role I have, that’s just the hopeless romantic in me wanting to show what pure true love looks like.

How do you make sure you stay true to your most authentic self when you’re posting on social media? What content are you most passionate about posting?

The way I stay true to myself while posting is by not hiding as much as possible. It became very difficult for me last year when I was going through a breakup that I was not ready to share. As I was going through this I became really frustrated and realized the more I hid away the less I felt like I could be myself so I realized that the absolute best way for me to be real was to share how I felt and be honest with my supporters. 

I am the most passionate about posting what I know best! Which is what’s going on in my life, dance, and my beauty tips and tricks! 

I understand you’re working on some top-secret beauty projects right now. What inspired you to join the beauty industry? What are some things you hope to achieve with your projects? 

What inspired me to join the beauty industry was my supporters. They would always ask me how I got my hair to look like this, or how my skin looks like this. As I got these questions, I mixed my love for sharing with them with my love for content creation and here I am! I hope to help my supporters be their best selves! If they like my hair or my makeup I would love to show them some products to get them excited to get into self-care!

We love how you embrace and take care of your natural curls! How does it make you feel being an influence on your followers who can looked up to you? How do you hope to empower other women and people of color with your platform?

Thank you! My curly hair journey was a long one haha. It feels surreal. Growing up I felt like I did not have that many women and people of color to look up to. I feel so blessed to be able to be one of those people for younger girls and boys of color. They push me to be my best selves every single day. I hope to let them know that they should love the skin they have and the hair they have. I also want them to know that they can do anything they dream of.

Who is a major influence in your life and why?

A major influence in my life is definitely my mom. She is the most talented woman I know. She does everything I’ve seen her do with such ease and elegance and I feel like she is the reason I push myself to do my best at whatever I’m doing. She’s also very hip and timely so I can talk to her about anything and I always feel like her advice is sensible so I take her advice very seriously.


Emelina Adams


Kelly Mi Li: Building an Empowered Empire