Evanthia Theodoru

In pursuit of her dreams, Evanthia moved to Nashville over a year ago to pursue her music career. She keeps a daily journal and imbues her song lyrics and performances with personal experience, tapping into the emotions that have brought her this far. Her unique style and spirit infuse every song she writes and performs, making her music more relatable and authentic.

1. Tell me about yourself. 

My name is Evanthia Theodorou. I am a 19 year old country singer from Nashville, TN. I have had a love for music since as early as five years old. That is when I was signed to my first talent agency. I started acting in St. Louis where I am originally from. I booked TV commercials and print jobs. I knew that I was meant to be a performer. In my spare time I love going to the movies and hanging with my fam and boating. I hope to be that artist that can inspire others, can be relatable and real. I'm really looking forward to the next step in my music career and my goals are to be touring some cities across the states soon :)

2. What made you realize you wanted to become a musician? What about country music compelled you to become a country artist specifically?

From the time I can remember I have always loved performing. When I was younger I would watch Disney channel. Shows that helped inspire me were Hannah Montana and Camp Rock. I would always tell my mom that I want to be on TV and on stage someday. I still enjoy listening and watching Miley Cyrus perform today, she is such an inspiration. I have always loved all genres of music but country has been my heart.I'm drawn to the raw sounds like that of Patsy Cline to Kacey Musgraves. And I feel like my sound tends to be similar to them. I also love the sounds of instruments that are in country music. I can only hope that my music resonates globally.

3. Are you working on any projects right now that you want to share about? Or any plans for the near-future?

 I am currently recording my next song. I am looking to drop this one in July sometime. I am also going to start performing more as well. Really looking forward to this. Another fun thing I am doing is going to take a quick trip to LA. I was cast in a film. This starts this month. Can't wait to share details about this soon.

4. What has been the biggest challenge you’ve encountered thus far in your career? How did you overcome this? And what do you believe is your biggest accomplishment? 

My biggest challenge was getting over the first time performing for an audience. Now it is more of an excitement and butterflies to be able to connect with my listeners and show them my music. To overcome this was just getting out there and doing it. I think for me I will always have that excited feeling as that is the kind of person I am. I love being on stage and so when I know it's my time, I get super pumped. I feel like my biggest accomplishment so far has actually been several things. I take each accomplishment as the biggest as I am striving to always be a better version of myself. A few that come to mind are performing on stage and getting selected for the new country playlist on Spotify. That was such a cool honor and I hope to make many more! 

5. Are there any artists in particular that you looked up to when you were younger? Or has there been anybody who has inspired your music/career?

 I have always looked up to Miley Cyrus and Kacey Musgraves. I started watching Miley when she was on Disney channel. She was on a show called Hannah Montana. She was living the life as an actress and singer. I knew that I wanted to be like her. And still to this day she is a boss. Kacey has always had the style of music that I feel is most similar to my sound. I love both of their vibes. They are relatable, fun, and amazing songwriters and performers.

6. How do you envision your career in the next 5-10 years? Are there any goals you want to accomplish by then? 

When I look to my near future, it would be ideal to have at least two albums out in five years. I would also love to be on tour within the five years. Performing is such a rewarding thing for me. It's the best way for me to connect with my listeners. I continue to set goals for myself. Some are small and some are big. One goal that I know I want to master is learning to play the drums. I have always loved the drums and I would love to incorporate myself playing some for one of my songs. This would be a huge accomplishment. 


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Sevier Crespo