Anastasia Bergman


1. What are some of your goals and upcoming projects for 2022?

 I’m shooting a feature film in February, which I’m very excited about and preparation for this is well under way. Also, a campaign for a French skincare brand that we shot in December is going to be out in Feb and I’m looking forward to seeing it. Then last year my friend and I formed a production company and optioned a few scripts, so this year we are planning to start shooting at least one of them. I’m starting training at a stunt school and my goal is to do more action pieces this year, also I want to do a dancing piece because dancing has always been my huge passion and I’ve been dancing as long as I can remember, started with ballet and then did jazz funk. Also, my goal is to continue my acting training and keep working on my accent. And keep doing more modeling and acting projects.

2. I heard that you will be doing a psychological thriller in February. What is it about? What is your role in it?

It is called “I Need You To Stay”, written and going to be directed by the incredible artist Brianna Lynn Massie. It is a story of a twisted, often very painful but nevertheless full of love relationship between Kira and Anya. After Kira discovers she has infected the love of her life with a mysterious plague, she must hurry to save them before one of them kills the other. I’m playing Anya. It is the story about that you are only given what you alone can handle. The grass is always greener. You are not defined or valued by your tragedies. Heal yourself so you can heal others. You are only responsible for your own actions. You are not a monster. Very heavy but very honest story.

3. What inspired to start taking stunt classes?

I always loved Bond movies and beautiful women who can kick ass always mesmerized me. And when a friend of mine, an insanely talented actress Shah Granville (remember this name, you’ll hear about her very soon!) approached me and offered to shoot an action piece together, I agreed immediately and after preparing for the shoot, training with a stunt choreographer, I fell in love with it even more! I got inappropriately excited being bitten up!! lol so I decided to study it and get very good at it!


4. What makes you feel empowered? How do you work to empower other women?

 I feel empowered when I know that I’m doing what’s right and true, even when it is not exactly pleasant and comfortable. I feel empowered when I’m helping someone, when I see that my work moved people, changed sometimes for the better.

I guess, I’m just trying to empower other women by my own example and being very honest about my struggles and overcoming them. I’m not a superhuman and if I was able to do certain things, then other women can too. I hope,  it is empowering..

5. What do you think makes you unique? What are you the most proud of about yourself?

I know it sounds cliche, but we all are unique originally, the question is actually to allow yourself to be unique and nurture your uniqueness.

So, me being my authentic and true self is unique already. And I’m very proud of learning to accept all parts of myself, good and not the best ones, I’m proud of being comfortable in my own skin.

6. How would you describe your sense of style? Are there any pieces you can’t live without?

I’d say it is pretty classic with a hint of carelessness. I don’t like when it is obvious when a girl tried too hard to look good, you know? I like when it looks almost as if you put on the first things you saw. That’s why most of my clothes are classic and mix up really well with one another. I hate “difficult” pieces, the ones that you can wear only with specific shoes or accessories.

I’d say I can’t imagine my wardrobe without well-fitting jeans, black heels, a man style shirt and a jacket.

7. What’s your favorite part of your job? Do you have any advice for other people who are trying to pursue a similar path?

There are so many parts of my job that I adore but my top 3 will be to learn something new, meet interesting people and visit unusual places.

I’d say don’t compare yourself with others, keep developing your craft, be committed and kind to yourself and people around you.

8. Who or what inspires you?

It can be literally anyone or anything, from Michelangelo’s David to a fragrance of a passer-by on a street. People inspire me, their stories, true emotions, genuine uncounterfeit expressions of whatever, life in the very sense of this word inspires me a lot.

9. What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time when you’re not working? Do you have any fun hobbies or hidden talents?

I do love what I do so when I’m not working, I’m probably doing something for my craft anyway, whether it be learning some new skill or enhancing my artistic work. But when I want to unplug, I really enjoy simple things like reading, walking, watching movies, going to museums. I also like doing collages, I guess, it can fall into the hidden talent category.

10. What are your top three beauty essentials?

8h sleep, being in love and moisturizer.


One Classy Mother Pupper: HIT Living Foundation and Winston House in Venice end the year a Holiday Fundraiser


Anastasia Bergman: Sand Dunes Video